Tag Archives: Downloader

All Things Azeroth #569 – A Storm of Gifts

All Things Azeroth, your World of Warcraft Podcast, is back as Medros, Toasty, are joined by Cody while Phandeth is away to discuss the upcoming Before the Storm novel, 7.3.2 in the downloader, and more Check out Audible for your … Continue reading

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All Things Azeroth #306 – The patch is coming, the patch is coming!

All Things Azeroth, your World of Warcraft Podcast, is back as Medros and Shade return to talk about Theramore not being tested, the security breach and it’s effects, the background downloader beginning, and more! Please take a moment to complete … Continue reading

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All Things Azeroth #167 – AzPod 2009 #27 – Worgen Druids Own Hunters

All Things Azeroth, your World of Warcraft Podcast, is back as Medros is joined by Hasteur to talk about Icecrown raid progression, Patch 3.3 info, and think back to 5 years of WoW Sponsor: Try GotoAssist Express free for 30 … Continue reading

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