Tag Archives: Testing

All Things Azeroth #401 – Hurry Up and Wait

All Things Azeroth, your World of Warcraft Podcast, is back as Medros and Rho are back to discuss the last info and impressions ont he Alpha, the Gaze of the Black Prince, the Warforged Nightmare mount, and more Check out … Continue reading

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All Things Azeroth #400 – Alpha is Alpha

All Things Azeroth, your World of Warcraft Podcast, is back as Medros and Rho are back to discuss the friends and family Alpha opening and their experiences, Shade drops by to celebrate the 400th episode, and more Check out Doghouse … Continue reading

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All Things Azeroth #306 – The patch is coming, the patch is coming!

All Things Azeroth, your World of Warcraft Podcast, is back as Medros and Shade return to talk about Theramore not being tested, the security breach and it’s effects, the background downloader beginning, and more! Please take a moment to complete … Continue reading

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AzPodMo09 – November 16, 2009 – Interview with Matticus about 3.3 Raid PTRs

All Things Azeroth, your World of Warcraft Podcast, is back as Medros talks with Matticus, of World of Matticus, about testing the 3.3 raid content on the PTRs Sponsor: Try GotoAssist Express free for 30 days! For this special offer, … Continue reading

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