About two months ago Rho asked to talk to me after the live show, and informed me that he felt his time on ATA was coming to an end, and advised that he planned to leave after his 100th episode. I was surprised, but I understood his logic, and accepted his eventual departure, while spending some time considering who could possibly replace him.
After some time, I made a list, but no one but a few of my inner circle of Dawnforge were aware of the expected departure of Rho from the show. I planned some guest spots, and whittled down the list to those who I decided I would want to ask. I asked and had acceptance from the new people who will join me beginning on episode #415, Phandeth and Lady Emma.
A day or two after episode #413, Rho released some audio laying his past bare to those who are listeners and friends, and was open and honest about what has happened, and while he got a lot of support from the community, there was some negativity from some people. Over this past weekend, long after I was clear about my support, and that of both Dawnforge and All Things Azeroth, for Rho and that we stood by him, Rho told me felt it was best that this episode, #414, would instead be his last.
Those who listen to the show will know I was pretty hard hit by this episode, as I was with the departure of Shade and other cohosts of the past. Rho is a co host who will be impossible to replace, much as Shade and Graece both were. I have done nearly 100 episodes with Rho over almost 2 years, met him at Blizzcon, and have been honored to have him as part of the show.
I look forward to beginning the next era of All Things Azeroth with Phandeth and Emma, and hope that we can work together to keep the show as fun, informative, and entertaining as it has been for most of the last 414 episodes. I wish Rho the best on Realm Maintenance and the other shows he is part of, Flexmode and Prepare for Combat, and look forward to having him as a guest host in the future.