Hello everyone, here are the details in text for you all regarding the ongoing content contest. The contest is going to run until Saturday, December 20th, 2008. To win you will send in audio based content for the show. Accepted formats are MP3 and WAV. Accepted styles are Audio Drama set in the WoW Universe, Audio comments on the show or a topic of a show, Promo for a WoW or gaming related podcast or blog. Content deemed unacceptable to play will be disqualified from the contest.
Entries should be sent to show@allthingsazeroth.com no later than 11:59 PM CST on Saturday December 20th, 2008. By sending the content into the contest, you assign all rights to use the content to All Things Azeroth and Dwight Wallbridge Productions. The prizes are as follows: Grand Prize – One Papa Hummels Old Fashioned Pet Biscuit loot card, unscratched. Runner up – two runners up will receive a Wrath of the Lich King poster and bookmark. The prizes will be announced by the end of December, and the prizes sent out after that. This contest is open to anyone in North America. Winners will be contacted at the provided email top obtain mailing information.
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