I was recently sent a review copy of the book World of Warcraft Chronicles Vol. 1, which releases on March 15th from Dark Horse Books. From Titans to Demigods, Naaru to Demons, this book has enough information and hidden gems to keep any lore nut busy for months working on wild theories, and enough story to inform even the newest of player of the rich tapestry that Blizzard has woven in the more than 20 years of Warcraft.
For those of you passionate about the lore of this world, or even who have had questions left unanswered as you have ventured through this incredible world that Blizzard has made, this book is probably just the ticket you’re looking for. I will endeavor to keep this review as free of lore spoilers as I can, which will be quite a feat seeing as the book is chock–full of them.
From the formative days of the universe, before planets had even coalesced, all the way up to the awakening of the Last Guardian of Tirisfal, this book has some mind blowing revelations that very few would have ever seen coming. If you have read some of the lore theories floating out there on the internet, you will likely see some that have been proven true, and some that have been shown to be way off the mark. Either way, though, I am confident that this book will be well worth the investment in learning more about this fantastical world.
Some of the events told in the book, which is about half as thick, but nearly the same dimensions, as the Ultimate Visual Guide, are told elsewhere. From the series of novels, to in-game books, all the way to the short stories and the original history of Warcraft that was on the WoW site back in the early days of the game. Much of this is known, but Chronicles Vol. 1 is the most concise location for these events, and even corrected some information from past stories.
You can definitely bet that any lore sites or columns you read will be overflowing with new information, and even wilder theories, after reading this book, with some already churning through the ample content that this book provides. Aside from the history of the universe that our game is set in, the book gives several variations of maps of the world, and some incredible art depicting some of the most pivotal moments of the universe, while leaving me, at least, in true awe of where this game may take us in the next expansion after Legion.
With many years behind us, to the many dangling threads that may one day dictate the future of our favorite world, this could well become one of the seminal books on the history of the game world. From the opening forewords from Chris Metzen, Christie Golden, and Richard Knaak, to the final page that sees the power of Sargeras awakening in Medivh, and everything told in between, makes this a worthy book for your Warcraft collection. Thanks to CM Zarhym for helping me secure a copy of this amazing book.
You can get this book on March 15th from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Amazon.ca, or Chapters