This evening on the live show, Medros and Shade announced that this coming weekend they will be interviewing Richard Knaak, author of many Warcraft novels such as Day of the Dragon, the WarCraft War of the Ancients Trilogy
, Stormrage
, and the soon to be released Wolfheart
which releases tomorrow. We would love your questions for the interview, but please keep them spoiler free from the Wolfheart novel.
Please email those by Friday at 6pm CST and the best ones will get asked during the interview. We will air at least the first part, length depending, of the interview during the live show on Monday, September 19th, and if there are subsequent parts they will be aired in the following weeks. A full version of the interview will be posted before Blizzcon to this site. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and questions for this truly epic interview!