All Things Azeroth, your World of Warcraft Podcast, is back as Medros is back, joined by Graece celebrating her one year anniversary on the show, talking about BattleNet, Raiding, Icecrown, and loot disenchants
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Social Media:
Follow the show on Twitter for live updates, live recording times, join the All Things Azeroth Social Network or our All Things Azeroth Twibe, and more!
Episode Topics:
- 2009NaPodPoMo ATA Content Contest
- Triumph the new base Emblems
- Jaina looking hot
- DE as loot option
- 3.3 to bring in Hard Mode toggles
- brings the WoW Qs and As
- Cataclysm to return Gnomeregan to the Gnomes?
- Jain and Sylvanas get bios
- Battle Net accounts mandatory Nov 11
- Robert Rodat writes Warcraft screenplay
- Using Virtual economy to learn real ones
- Three Worgen Moon
- Blizz unveils Tier 10
- Garrosh destined to be raided?
- AoE damage change in 3.3
- Blizz tweaks name plates
- Totem gallery
- When to move on
Show Links:
- Email the show, Medros, or Graece
- Check out our blogs, From the Abbey to Outlands for Medros, Graece‘s blog.
- Medros on Argent Dawn, Grumplegut on Echo Isles(Graece)
- Facebook: Check out the show’s fan page, our Group, as well as both Medros and Graece
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- KRASUS – 2 months free hosting
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