When: Saturday February 16th from 10 AM to 10 PM server time(EST)
Where: The farm near the portals of Stormwind
How: Make a low level human character, there will be rides from Northshire Abby for those who need.
What: Pet Battle Tournament
We will have several ranks of pet battles, with specialty phases such as 1v1, 2v2, and Family based ranks.
1-4 All pets in the battle must be between levels 1 and 4.
5-9 All pets in the battle must be between levels 5 and 9.
10-14 All pets in the battle must be between levels 10 and 14.
15-19 All pets in the battle must be between levels 15 and 19.
20-24 All pets in the battle must be between levels 20 and 24.
25 All pets in the battle must be level 25.
1v1 Team must comprise a single level 25 pet, and two level 1 pets.(level 1 pets cannot be self resurecting)
2v2 Team must comprise two level 25 pets, and a single level 1 pet.(level 1 pets cannot be self resurecting)
Family All pets on your team must belong to the same pet family, and you will be matched against someone with pets from the same family.
Each rank and battle option will have a victor, which will be awarded a prize of.. a battle pet!
1-4: Lil XT
5-9: Imperial Silkworm
10-14: Imperial Silkworm
15-19: Terrible Turnip
20-24: Imperial Silkworm
25: Sapphire Cub
Family: Rare pet of your family type.
2v2: Terrible Turnip
1v1: Jade Owl
Rules: You may change pets out as long as they still qualify for the tournament aspect you have signed up for. For family based aspect, there will be one winner per family, except where less than 2 people have entered. If less than 2 people entered for the respective family, you will be pitted against someone of another family, which is neither a + or – to your chosen family, and vice versa.
We look forward to having you all come out. If you would like to put your name in to enter the tournament, please fill out this form. We will see you there!
7 Responses to 2013 All Things Azeroth Pet Battle Tournament