With the recent announcement of the upcoming CCG Hearthstone: Heroes of Azeroth, the staff of All Things Azeroth have found ourselves with no small amount of indecision. While we are all long time players of World of Warcraft, we unanimously agree that the new CCG will be the future of the Azerothian gaming scene. Therefore, with no small amount of pride and happiness, we would like to announce a rechristening of the show. All Things Azeroth will, from this moment forward be known as All Cards Azeroth, Your Hearthstone Podcast.
All Cards Azeroth will remain a weekly show, and while in the short term we may still talk about World of Warcraft, we will begin to transition the show to an all Hearthstone podcast. While you may have seen a few other podcasts that intend to cover the game, ACA plans to cover the game inside and out, with strategy, analysis and all the latest news out of Hearthstone. Jen, our former moderator, will be bringing back her Back to Basics segment, and providing all the info you will need as a newcomer to the CCG title. Moogyver will stay on, and will rename Spare Parts to Spare Cards, and be talking in depth about all the great things you can do with your duplicate cards in Hearthstone! Lastly, we will see Skolnick return with his updated segment, Hearthstone Less Played, an in depth look into all those rarely played cards, and their connections to the World of Warcraft!
We will soon have a new look to the site, but wanted to thank Nevik of Shattered Soulstone for the amazing work on our new logo, and all the work he and others have put in on the redesign of the site for the new phase of the show! We look forward to having you join us on our journey through Hearthstone, and welcome your emails, calls, and comments about this new era for the premiere show on Dawnforge Productions!
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