Our friends at Blizzard want to make sure all of our listeners know where they can find all the coverage of the Battle.net World Championship, which is beginning in Shanghai, China in just a few hours. All of the coverage being provided by Blizzard can be found at http://battle.net/bwc/ with a steady schedule of events that includes both WoW and Starcraft II gameplay. Starting tonight(Friday) at 8 PM DFT(aka Central Standard Time), you can catch all the events live from China. If you need more to get you pumped up, check out the trailer below.
For those looking specifically for WoW content, check out this post on the WoW site about the events happening, and this WoW specific schedule of events. While we won’t be covering this like a Blizzcon, I think from the opening ceremonies to the wrap of Day 2 you will find some really great content to watch.
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