Medros is joined by original co-host, Lelia, as Graece is out at a muscial practice. Med and Lel talk about mods for newbies, Wrath Lore, and Hardcore 80s.
Follow the show on Twitter for live updates, live recording times, and more!
- 80 Makes you Hardcore
- Blizzard squashes Pirate Servers
- Sons of Hodir giving mounts
- Oracles have chance for pet or Mount
- Blacksmithing Weapon Specializations Untrainable
- Arena Season 4 Done, Season 5 on the 17th
- Debuff Limit done like dinner
- Thanks to WoW Insider for promoting our contest
- Lore-gasms of Warcraft
- Mods for Newbies
- ClosetGnome
- TomTom
- QuestHelper
- Email the show, Medros, or Graece
- Check out our blogs, From the Abbey to Outlands for Medros, Graece‘s blog, plus the ATA hosted blog Bitter Roots
- Medros on Argent Dawn, Lelia on Dawnbringer